报告题目:Unusual Strategies for Using InGaN Grown on Silicon for Solid State Lighting
报告人:Dr. JiZhou SONG 宋吉舟
Dept. of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, University of Miami
Email: jsong8@miami.edu
地点:力一楼 227 第一会议室
Jizhou Song is an assistant professor of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering at the University of Miami. He received his B.S. and M.E. degrees from University of Science and Technology of China in 2001 and 2004, and Ph.D. degree from University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign in 2007. His current research interests include mechanics of thin film with applications in stretchable electronics and curvilinear electronics, mechanics of nanotubes and heat management. He has published over 40 peer-reviewed journal papers including some top journals such as Nature and PNAS. He has received many awards including the Provost Award from University of Miami (2009, 2010) and the Ralph E. Powe Junior Faculty Enhancement Award from Oak Ridge Associated Universities (2010).
Properties that can now be achieved with advanced, blue InGaN light emitting diodes (LEDs) lead to their potential as replacements for existing infrastructure in general illumination, with enormous positive implications on power efficiency. Further advances in this technology will benefit from re-examination of the modes for incorporating this materials technology into lighting modules that manage light conversion, extraction, and distribution, in ways that most critically minimize adverse thermal effects associated with operation, with packages that fully exploit the unique aspects of these light sources. This talk will present enabling ideas in anisotropic etching, microscale device assembly/integration, and module configuration that address these challenges in unconventional ways. Various device demonstrations provide examples of the capabilities, including thin, flexible lighting “tapes” based on patterned phosphors and large collections of small light emitters on plastic substrates. Quantitative modeling and experimental evaluation of heat flow in such structure illustrates one particular, important aspects of their operation: small distributed LEDs can be passively cooled simply by direct thermal transport through thin film metallization used for electrical interconnect, providing an enhanced and scalable means to integrate these devices in modules for white light generation.